January 2022
Greg Whitley’s Region recently began a new strategic underground project for an energy company throughout the state of Alabama. The customer has identified numerous sections of overhead distribution lines that are either losing power frequently for prolonged periods of time or are requiring above average right-of-way clearing. Because of these issues, it has been decided to transfer these lines underground.
This project involves Horizontal Directional Drilling (HDD) which requires a combination of Underground and Overhead crews. While some of the overhead lines are just high voltage, others have service wire that will also require the house meter to be transferred underground. Underground crews will first transfer all lines and equipment to underground, as requested by the customer. Once the transfer is complete, the Overhead crews will remove the out-of-service lines and equipment.
As this project is multi-faceted and the trouble lines are state-wide, it is expected to last from 5 to 10 years. ULCS is excited to kickoff this new project as this will lead to more reliable power throughout the state of Alabama.