Everything else follows

At Utility Lines Construction Services, ”Safety Always” is our way of life. It’s how we begin each workday and every meeting. It’s the focus of everything we do. And, it’s a key measure of our success and sustainability. ULCS is committed to providing each employee with a safe place to work, free from all recognized hazards. We believe prevention of injuries is more than just good business. Indeed, having all employees finish everyday injury free is the right thing to do and our main goal. Our commitment to SafeProduction® promotes safe habits at work and home, and provides the foundation of our health, quality, compliance and environmental programs.

ULCS’s OSHA total case incident rate is nearly half the industry average, and we are continually improving on our journey to zero.
At the Asplundh family of companies, we believe that safety and production go together. In fact, we have found that a safe operation is often the most productive one. That’s because work practices that help avoid injuries and prevent damage also promote habits that ensure efficiency and effectiveness.
In conjunction with our ongoing training and compliance programs, our SafeProduction® culture allows ULCS to outperform the industry in incident frequency and severity rates. In turn, our low numbers help us maintain lower insurance rates, the savings for which we pass on to you.
Our SafeProduction® program features:
- Top-down-bottom-up engagement, where employee and customer safety
- Significant investment in Human Performance management and monitoring
- Digital and in-person training that is tracked, verified and documented
- Continuously audit, evaluate, and train personnel on proper use of PPE, tools, and equipment
- Use JBOs to reinforce behaviors consistent with our Safe Production program
- A structured monitoring and feedback loop via proprietary dashboards
start with leadership and include self-checks and peer reviews