When it comes to transmission construction, performing in varied environments and working energized are the keys to efficiency and effectiveness.

When it comes to transmission construction, performing in varied environments and working energized are the keys to efficiency and effectiveness. But that requires a high degree of safety and specialization, as well as a dedication to PMI principles. You can leverage ULCS for the experience and equipment necessary to cover virtually any terrain and voltages up to 500kV. Plus, our PMP certified project managers are dedicated to your project from pre-proposal through execution to ensure optimal delivery.
Services include:
- Line construction
- Line maintenance, rebuild, upgrade, relocation and inspection
- Hot stick construction
- Grounding resistivity testing
- Counterpoise installation
- Foundation installation
- System reliability improvements
- Fiber optic installations
- Emergency service restoration
- Data analysis, performance assessments and remediation
- Project and construction management
ULCS has built and maintained transmission configurations for thousands of conductor miles, structures and foundations—and for virtually every line voltage, locale and topography.