Underground Distribution
With superior reliability and high aesthetics, underground power lines are the future.

With increasingly severe weather and community needs for increased grid resilience, customers are choosing selective undergrounding to supply critical infrastructure.. ULCS offers decades of experience, with underground personnel and a variety of specialized equipment to safely get the job done right with minimal property disturbance. You can count on ULCS for both feeder backbone and inside development undergrounding services.
- New underground construction and maintenance
- Joint trench/multiple utility installation
- Overhead-to-underground conversions
- Underground cable replacement
- Underground service installations and repairs
- Turnkey subdivision installations, including all equipment, primary, secondary and cable terminations
- Concrete encased ducting
- Directional boring
- Primary and secondary cable fault locates and repairs
- Ground fault locating
- Vault maintenance
- Fiber installation and maintenance
- Padmount transformer inspection and maintenance
ULCS has built and maintained thousands of miles of underground cables for decades.